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Vice President for Research

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Internal Funding Programs for Faculty


Research Project Grants in Humanities-, Arts-, and Design-Based Disciplines (HAD Research Grants)


Purpose and Eligibility

The Division of the Vice President for Research solicits proposals for Research Grants in Humanities-, Arts-, and Design-Based Disciplines. The call for proposals is typically released in early October, and applications are due in mid-November. 


These awards are open to all tenured and tenure-track faculty members in the humanities-, arts-, and design-based disciplines. Group applications are not be accepted. If unsure of your eligibility, contact Associate Vice President for Research, Dr. Christine Johnson, for clarification prior to applying. Applications are submitted via OSU's InfoReady online portal.


Funding Parameters and Reporting

These awards are up to $10,000. Funds will become available on January 1 and must be expended by December 31. HAD Program funds are from state allocation and expenditures must be in accordance with applicable OSU guidelines, policy, and regulations. These funds may not be used for travel to workshops/conferences or conference registrations. For other allowable travel, reimbursement must comply with OSU travel policies and procedures, and backup documentation of all invoiced travel expenses may be required. If the proposed work is appropriate for funding from federal science agencies, it should not be proposed for this program. Successful applicants are required to submit a one-page written report describing the project outcomes by January 31.


Renovations of Critical Research Facilities


Purpose and Background

This program supports the renovation of research facilities for the benefit of research and scholarship at OSU. The Division of the Vice President for Research administers this program; a portion of the Facilities and Administration (F&A) funds from OSU-Stillwater, the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, and the College of Veterinary Medicine is set aside to fund this program. Proposals may be developed by faculty or administration, but proposals must be approved and submitted by the Associate Dean for Research of the college(s) in which the proposal arises. The call for proposals is released in early September, and proposals are due in mid-November.


Funding Parameters and Reporting

The minimum project size is generally $50,000, and the maximum project size is generally $350,000, subject to availability of funds. The university-wide Core Facilities Committee makes funding recommendations to the Vice President for Research. Proposals with the potential to impact the broadest user-base, promote interdisciplinary activities across departments or colleges, and have significant cost share will receive the greatest consideration. Efforts are made to fund more than one project. A final report is required for all projects; this report should include information about how the funds were spent and a narrative of the project outcomes.

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