OneHealth Collaborative Seed Grant Program
The Center for Health Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, and Vice President for Research are partnering to inaugurate a new seed funding program to stimulate interdisciplinary research collaborations on OneHealth topics. The purpose of this program is to facilitate collaborative research from faculty teams that will generate meaningful data/results to address a OneHealth problem. As a seed funding program, projects should yield preliminary data and a collaboration track-record to enable the team to apply for significant follow-on funding from an external funding agency.
These awards are open to teams of at least three* individuals as follows:
- One faculty Investigator within the Center for Health Sciences (CHS)
- One faculty Investigator within the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
- One faculty Investigator within another OSU college (Stillwater or Tulsa)
*If desired, one or more additional Investigators may comprise the team as long as the three components are represented.
Although collaborating faculty will all be considered “Investigators” with equal status in the partnership, each team is asked to select one member to serve as the designated Point-of-Contact Investigator (PI).
Acceptable Research Areas
Topics within the OneHealth framework recognize and integrate the interconnectedness of health/disease in humans, animals, and the environments in which they live. Any topic within this framework will be considered for funding.
Period of Award
Funds will be made available for January 2024 start dates; project completion should be 31 December, 2024. We intend to notify teams selected for funding by mid-October, 2023 to facilitate final planning prior to start date.
Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated by a review committee established by the Provost of CHS, the Dean of CVM, and the OSU VP for Research. Priority will be given to scientifically meritorious proposals that articulate the clearest and strongest plan for a project that will seed large follow-on external funding proposals. Moreover, preference will be given to proposals that convincingly articulate the integration of the interdisciplinary expertise of the team members. All proposals should contain a specific plan not only for the proposed work but also for subsequent external funding. Funding from this program invokes a clear expectation that one or more proposals for significant external funding will be submitted within one year of completion of the proposed project. A specific plan for the follow-on funding pursuits must be described in this proposal. At a minimum, the applicants should provide the specific agency(ies) and program(s) they will target for the follow-on proposals and indicate the range of funding amounts that will be sought.
The evaluation rubric will be weighted as follows:
- Quality/rigor of the research plan to address an important OneHealth problem (35%)
- Likelihood of securing significant external follow-on funding (35%)
- Integration of interdisciplinary expertise (30%)
Project Budgets
Projects with direct costs not exceeding $75,000 will be considered. Although exactly equal budgeted expenditures among a given team’s Investigators are not required, Investigators are expected to contribute relatively equally to the project; thus relatively comparable budgets should be the norm (with major deviations requiring rationale).
Funds must be expended by 31 December 2024 and in accordance with applicable OSU guidelines, policy, and regulations. Funds may not be used to pay for faculty salary. Expenses for travel necessary to execute the project are allowable and should be detailed in the proposed budget. Funds may not be used for travel to workshops, conferences, or to visit with program managers/directors. Any modifications to the approved budget must be approved in advance by the OSU VP for Research (who will consult with CHS Provost and CVM Dean as needed).
Reporting Requirements
A final project report will be due within 30 days of project completion. A follow-on funding report will be due one year following project completion.
Submission and Deadline
To apply for funding under this program, complete the on-line application here by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, 27 September, 2023.
Application Components
Application is online; below are text-based descriptions of the application components.
Section I – Applicant Information
Point-of-contact Investigator (PI) -- Referred to as "Applicant " in the online application.
Applicant Name:
CHS Investigator
Name: Email:
Title: Department:
CVM Investigator
Name: Email:
Title: Department:
OSU Investigator (not from CHS or CVM)
Name: Email:
Title: Department: College:
{Added blocks for additional Investigators, if needed}
Section II – Abstract
In a manner that can be understood by a person not familiar with your discipline, provide an abstract of your proposed work (200-word limit).
Section III – Project Narrative
Using one-inch margins, 12-point font, single spacing, and a four-page limit, provide a narrative of your proposed project in a manner such that a faculty member from outside your specific disciplines could understand the following:
- Description of the project’s topic, its importance, and its relation to the OneHealth framework
- Methodology and approach of the proposed project, and anticipated findings/outcomes
- How the expertise of the Investigators will be integrated to address the problem
- Follow-on funding plan (including specific agencies/programs to be targeted, timelines, and range of grant amounts to be sought)
Note: If the proposed project involves the use of Human Subjects, Vertebrate Animals, Biohazardous Materials and/or radioactive materials, radiation producing devices or lasers, successful applicants will be required to submit a copy of the approval letter or approval form from the relevant committee(s) prior to release of funds. Funds will NOT be released without appropriate approvals.
Section IV – Budget and Budget Justification
- Detailed budget listing categorical expenses for student or other non-faculty salaries/wages, consumable supplies, research travel, etc. using the provided template here.
- Budget Justification (one page maximum)
Section V – Abridged Curriculum Vitas
- Four page maximum per Investigator
- Use either NIH or NSF biosketch format