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Proposal Development Resources for Faculty


Support Provided by Your Academic College

At Oklahoma State University, most proposal development services are provided by the college-level sponsored programs support unit located within the faculty member's academic college.

These college-based units provide support and guidance for preparing and submitting applications for external funds to support research. Two key things to keep in mind:

  1. Individual faculty may not directly submit a proposal to a funding agency. Funding from outside sources for grants/contracts/cooperative agreements must go through the university's routing process and be submitted by an authorized research administrator.

  2. Faculty are encouraged to notify their respective sponsored program support unit that they are working on a proposal. The college-based research administrator will then review the Request for Proposal (RFP) to identify issues that may impact the budget and gather documents required for a complete submission. 

The sponsored program support units for each college are:

Please consult your college's sponsored program support unit for the following proposal development support services:

  • Identifying potential sponsors and locating funding opportunities

  • Reviewing the RFP, preparing agency forms, and providing university information as required by the sponsor

  • Preparing the budget in the format required by the sponsor

  • Reviewing the final proposal

  • Routing for necessary signatures within the college and university

  • Submitting the proposal to the external sponsor


Support Offered by the Vice President for Research

In addition to services provided by research administration staff withing the academic colleges, the Division of the Vice President for Research offers resources to help you navigate the proposal development process.


Proposal Writing Consultants

Proposal writing consultants are available to assist researchers with large-scale, strategic proposals with broad university impact and involving interdisciplinary teams.


Proposal Writing Resources

Do you need assistance writing major sections of your proposal?

Check out our  Proposal Writing Resources


General Proposal Writing Guides and Tools

We maintain a set of funding agency guides and tools.


Proposal Writing Workshops and Courses

  • The Division of the Vice President for Research sponsors an annual all-day "Write Winning Grant proposals" Workshop for early career faculty members and post-doctoral research fellows.

  • The OSU Graduate College offers a for-credit, grant proposal writing course, GRAD 5891, (each fall and spring semester).


General Reminders

  • It is strongly encouraged that you discuss your idea with the appropriate program officer at the funding agency.

  • All external proposals for grant/contracts/cooperative agreements must be reviewed and approved by the University Research Services office prior to submission to any sponsor.

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