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Vice President for Research

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Research is one of three essential components of Oklahoma State University’s land-grant mission and brings richness and depth to our teaching and outreach missions.  OSU researchers improve quality of life by bringing new technologies, processes, and medicines to the marketplace.  Research through innovation is the engine that drives economic development.  Research through the social sciences and humanities improves our well-being and understanding of different cultures and points of view.  Research in the creative and performing arts enriches our lives and appreciation of the world.

OSU’s faculty and staff are engaged in research across the full spectrum of human endeavor and inquiry, including areas of state, regional, and national importance.  Our faculty and staff work closely with undergraduate and graduate students during their educations, providing them with hands-on experience and mentoring that helps to develop their intellectual capabilities, creativity and entrepreneurial skills. As such, we are creating the next generation of scientists, engineers, scholars, artists, and entrepreneurs who will continue this tradition of research excellence.

By keeping true to our land-grant mission, research at OSU improves, enriches, and influences the lives of our students and the citizens of Oklahoma, the nation and the world.






Mission Statement

To facilitate and promote the pursuit, discovery, and dissemination of new knowledge and technologies through research, scholarship, creative activities, and technology transfer for the benefit of the people of the state of Oklahoma, the nation, and the world.

 OSU Research