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Vice President for Research

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Dr. Kristen A. Baum, College of Arts & Sciences, 405-744-5663, 201 Life Sciences East


Dr. Jerry Malayer, College of Veterinary Health Sciences, 405-744-8085, 221 McElroy Hall


Dr. Christine Johnson, Colleges of Education, Health and Aviation and Human Sciences, 405-744-3373, 339 Willard Hall


Dr. Ramesh Sharda, William S. Spears School of Business, 405-744-8850, 201 Business


Dr. Keith Owens, Division of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, 744-5398, 011 Ag Hall


Dr. Chuck Bunting, College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology, 405-744-2479, 201 ATRC


Dr. Jean Van Delinder, Graduate College, 405-744-4613, 202 Whitehurst


Dr. Mary Larson, Library, 405-744-6588, 207 Edmon Low Library


Dr. Bruce Benjamin, OSU-Center for Health Sciences, 918-699-8622, 1111 W. 17th Street Tulsa, OK 74107