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COWBOY CODEHailing from all 50 states and 98 countries, we are united by the Cowboy Code.

  • We end the day knowing we gave it everything we had
  • We dream only as big as the sky
  • We know challenges come with pain, but pain will not win
  • We have a passion to do what's right, even when it's hard
  • We stand for what matters, even if we stand alone
  • We finish what we start
  • Being a Cowboy isn't in our clothes, it's in our character
Inspired by the book "Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn from The Code of the West." © 2004 James P. Owen

Fast Facts

We call Stillwater home, and invite YOU to do the same.
Living on campus is one of the best ways to make friends and join the community. Freshmen live in centrally located on-campus housing. Choose your own roommate(s) or let us match you based on interests, habits and schedule preferences.

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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Cowboy! Complete this appliction to be considered for undergraduate admission and scholarships at OSU.

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Flex 50/50

Not too big. Not too small. Just right.
From all 50 states and more than 100 countries around the world, our students make the cowboy family a vibrant and inclusive culture. With a student-to-faculty ratio of 20:1, we will help you prepare for the future by providing the academic support you need.

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There are many paths an agribusiness major can take. Many are similar to those of other business majors, but with a focus on agricultural products and services. Potential jobs include:

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$20,690 for Oklahoma residents ($35,730 out-of-state), comprised of:

  • $10,480 ($25,520 out-of-state) tuition and fees
  • $8,940 room and board
  • $1,270 books and supplies


$16,390 for Oklahoma residents ($26,410 out-of-state), based on 16 hours and comprised of:

  • $6,470 ($16,490 out-of-state) tuition and fees
  • $8,940 room and board
  • $980 books and supplies

Vet Med

$35,600 for Oklahoma residents ($61,580 out-of-state) for the first year, comprised of:

  • $22,570 ($48,550 out-of-state) tuition and fees
  • $370 loan fees
  • $8,940 room and board
  • $3,720 books and supplies

Pistol Pete DetailShould still help explain the college

Likely recruitment focused. Could be an invitation to explore. CTA button ideas: Find a Program / Explore Our Departments / College Fast Facts / Meet Our FacultyLikely recruitment focused. Could be an invitation to explore. CTA button ideas: Find a Program
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Routing Cardsor take the My Majors Assessment