OSU Routing Process
A routing form must be completed and signed appropriately before submission of all grant proposals from OSU for external funding of any kind. This includes electronic and paper proposal submission by college research offices as well as departments across campus that are not affiliated with a college research office (e.g. Library, Upward Bound, Scholarships and Financial Aid, etc.). Should a proposal be funded, the award must also be routed using the same number used on the proposal routing.
*If you are experiencing difficulty in browsing to the routing sheet files online, try using Mozilla Firefoxas your browser rather than Internet Explorer, or right-clicking and saving the files down to your computer directly.
- OSU Routing Sheet
- Guidelines for Filling in the OSU Routing Sheet
- Standard Operating Procedures - The Routing Process
- Standard Operating Procedures - The Routing Sheet
- OSU Routing Policy
- Additional Investigators Form
- Cost Share Details Form
- PHS FCOI Disclosure & Training Form
- NIH Certification Form
- OSU Record of Export Control Review
- Agencies Requiring Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- Quick Route Guide