Oklahoma State University is registered with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
(OLAW) and is an assured institution. Our assurance number is D16-00425 (A3722-01).
This assurance is effective for four (4) years and will not expire until August 31, 2021. You can view a copy of the approval letter by clicking on the link below. Also,
you can view the institutions that have OLAW assurances by clicking on the appropriate
link below.
Oklahoma State University is also registered with USDA/APHIS/Animal Welfare Office.
The Code of Federal Regulations (9 CFR), Subpart B, Sections 2.25 and 2.30 state that
all registrants must update the information on their registration every three (3)
years. OSU's next update must be submitted by September 8, 2020. Our certificate number
is 73-R-0121.