Human Subjects Research
Continuation/Post Approval Monitoring
Protocol Continuation
Ensuring responsible conduct of research must be an on-going process. DHHS regulations
at [45 CFR 46.109(e)] require the continuing review of human subjects research by
the IRB at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than one year.
The goals of this process are to re-evaluate the acceptability of the risk/benefit
ratio and subject safeguards, and to confirm that the approved protocol has been followed.
Any research activity initially reviewed and approved by the OSU IRB is subject to
continuing review.
Continuation Process
A first notice for continuation is sent to the principal investigator 60 days prior
to the first of the month of the protocol expiration date. This notice requests either
written confirmation from the PI that the protocol has been completed, or directs
the PI to enter the protocol in the IRBManager system if still enrolling subjects
and the original protocol was approved via the prior system. If the study was approved
in the IRBManager system the continuation form must be submitted in IRBManager.
A second notice will be sent 30 days prior to the first of the month of the protocol
expiration date. It is important that the continuation/renewal form be received at
least two weeks before the expiration date to allow for review and processing.
If the PI does not request closure or submit a continuation/renewal form prior to
the expiration date of the protocol, the PI will be notified that IRB approval of
the protocol has expired and that the protocol has been closed. If the protocol is
closed, no human subject data collection may continue without submission and approval
of a new application form.
Continuation Application
For studies that were approved in the old system and are no longer enrolling participants
the required Continuation/Renewal form is available for download under the Forms link
on this page. The form requests information in the following areas:
- Status of research activity;
- Subject enrollment numbers for the approval period and total;
- Research purpose and progress to date;
- Past and/or proposed modifications to the protocol;
- Adverse events;
- Subject withdrawals;
Forms are to be submitted via email to the IRB office, 223 Scott Hall a minimum of
two weeks prior to the expiration date of the protocol.
For studies approved in IRBManager, the continuation form can be found in xForms associated
with the study. For more information on how to file a continuation in IRBManager click
Protocol Continuation Review
The IRB Manager makes the determination if a continuing protocol requires more extensive
review than by the Manager at the exempt and expedited levels of review. Full board
continuations will again be reviewed by the full board. For continuing protocols requiring
full board review, the PI will need to be aware of the IRB meeting dates and deadlines
to assure that review will occur before the expiration date.
The IRB reserves the right to change the review level of a continuing protocol based
on changes to the protocol or in regulations governing human subject research. Review
of full board continuations is conducted in a similar manner to the initial review.
All members of the IRB receive the complete protocol file, including any modifications,
consent documents and testing instruments, and the completed continuation/renewal
form. One member of the IRB is designated to lead discussion of the continuation application.
Any member also has access to any relevant minutes or communications regarding the
The IRB must conduct continuing review of research at intervals appropriate to the
degree of risk, but not less frequently than once per year . When determining the
interval for continuing review, the IRB will consider, among other issues, the vulnerability
of the subjects and the risks of the protocol procedures. The standard approval period
for most protocols is one year. However, the risks associated with certain protocols
may necessitate that reviews take place more frequently than annually. In these cases,
the IRB may request that the PI report to the IRB on a shorter time interval, or after
a specific number of subjects is enrolled. This information will be communicated to
the PI in the official approval letter.