Forms and Documents
Used to make a first application to the IRB for all levels of review. This form will also determine if your research study meets the definition of human subjects research.
Non-compliance or anonymous reporting
Consent Templates
Consent Check List | Use this checklist to verify that your consent form has all the required elements of consent needed. This check list will be particularly helpful if you are not utilizing the standard templates. | |
Databrary Release | Databrary states it is best practice to obtain consent to share data after participants have participated in the study. This way they know exactly what data was gathered. | |
SBE Adult Consent Form - Expedited or Full Board | This template is to be used for consent of adults. This template is intended for Expedited and Full Board level of review for Social, Behavioral, and Education studies. | |
SBE Adult Consent Form - Exempt | To ensure accessibility and comprehension for all participants, informed consent documents should be written at a 6th to 8th-grade reading level. This standard promotes clarity and understanding, enabling participants to make fully informed decisions about their involvement in research. Avoid technical jargon and use plain language whenever possible. | |
SBE Oral Consent Script Guidelines | These guidelines can be used as a template for developing an oral consent script. This script is primarily intended for use in Exempt studies where the possibility of participants will low literacy exists. For use in Expedited or Full Board studies, please modify the appropriate adult consent form to ensure all elements of consent are present. | |
Biomedical Adult Consent Form | This template is to be used for consent of adults. This template is intended for Expedited and Full Board level of review for Biomedical studies. | |
Assent Form | This template is to be used to gain permission of children/minors over the age of 7. | |
SBE- Parent Permission form | This template is to be used for obtaining parent permission for social, behavioral, and educational studies that involve children/minors under the age of 18. | |
Biomedical - Parent Permission form | This template is to be used to obtain parent permission for studies that involve biomedical data collection for children/minors under the age of 18. |
Informed Consent Form Resources
Assessing Reading Level of Consent Form
Lay Language for Consent Forms
Participant Compensation
Human Participants Greater than $100 Payment Form
Human Participants Documentation of Disbursement of Payments of $100 or Less
Other Useful Templates
Syllabus Consent Template for Unknown Future Study
Data Sharing Agreement Template
Research Staff Confidentiality Agreement Template
Transcription or Translator Confidentiality Agreement Template
Video Photo Release Form Template
Other Useful Documents/Forms
Non-OSU Collaborator Assurance for Exempt Studies
Post Approval Monitoring PI Self-Assessment Checklist
Preventing Fraudulent Responses
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