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Dosimeter Badge Billing

Badging Requirements

The Radiation Safety Officer determines the necessity of badges based on federal and state regulatory requirements and other factors. Badges required for each lab will be dictated by the type of radiation used, activities, and procedures as described in the Authorized User’s SOP.


Dosimeter Badge Billing [Download/Print PDF]


Badges and Standard Fees

Type of Badge Fee Type of Radiation Detection *Quarterly Fee (per badge)
Pa body badge Betas, gammas $5.05
Ja body badge Betas, gammas, neutrons $13.05
Saturn Ring badge Betas, gammas $10.85
Start-up fee for new badges All $2.10

*Quarterly fees are dictated by contract with Landauer and are subject to change with annual contract renewal.


Landauer charges for use of badges for the full quarter they are issued.  As such, the PI will be responsible for the full quarter charge regardless of badges being added or terminated in the middle of a quarter cycle – there will be no pro-rating of quarterly fees.


We receive the badges for the upcoming quarter early in the last month of preceding quarter. Therefore any badge they prepare and mail to us will be billed to the PI regardless of whether or not the person to whom the badge is assigned is still in the lab. To avoid paying for extra quarters for students who will be leaving, please turn in a Badge Termination Form  (available on OSU’s Radiation Safety Website) by the deadlines listed below.

Quarter Month Landauer prepares and mails out badges for the next quarter Last day to turn in badge termination request to RSO to ensure you will not be billed for this quarter
1st - Jan, Feb, Mar  December of preceding year  November 20 of preceding year
2nd - Apr, May, Jun  March  February 20
3rd - Jul, Aug, Sep  June  May 20
4th - Oct, Nov, Dec  September August 20

If a student or staff member will be leaving at the end of a quarter, you can turn in the badge request form to the Radiation Safety Office (RSO) by the deadline listed above specifying that this person will keep their badge until the end of the quarter but will not need a new one.


Late/Missing Badge Fees

The RSO will mail the new quarter’s badges to RAM and X-ray Principal Investigators (PIs) just before the new quarter starts, with a deadline for returning the old badges to the RSO. Having the badges back to the RSO by the deadline ensures that there is enough time for the RSO to process the badges and mail them back to Landauer by their deadline. Failure to return badges to the RSO by the original deadline could result in late or missing badge fees being charged by Landauer. Any dosimeter(s) received after the RSO has already shipped the quarterly batch to Landauer for reading will be held until the following quarter’s dosimeters are shipped and will incur a late badge fee. When such fees are charged, the Authorized User will be responsible for paying them.  The current fee that Landauer charges for a missing badge is $12.00 per badge (this fee is subject to change with annual contract renewal). 


A missing badge fee can be expected to be charged under the following circumstances:

  • Badge is not returned to the RSO in time to process it and it does not go out with the bulk of campus badges
  • Badge is lost and not returned at all

Missing badge fees will be billed in the quarter following their original due date. 

Badge Monitoring Quarter Month Badge is Processed Billing Quarter When Missing Badge Fee Will Be Charged
1st - Jan, Feb, Mar April 2nd Quarter billing cycle
2nd - Apr, May, Jun July 3rd Quarter
3rd - Jul, Aug, Sep October 4th Quarter
4th - Oct, Nov, Dec January of subsequent year 1st Quarter billing cycle of subsequent year

Dose Estimates for Unreturned/Unread Badges

The RAM/X-ray PI will be responsible for ensuring that any badged user on his/her RAM or x-ray permit who loses a badge provides the RSO with 1) a report of his/her activities that involved radioactive materials and/or X-ray producing machines for the monitored quarter, and 2) a report of use for the previous monitored quarter. These reports will be submitted to the RSO by the requested deadline. The RSO will use this information to establish a dose estimate which will be submitted to Landauer and added to the occupational exposure record for that person as required by state and federal regulations.