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Intra-institutional Transfers of Select Agents

These procedures are designed to ensure that all information required by 42 CFR Part 73.10 and the Institutional Biosafety Plan regarding select agent or toxin transfers, select agent or toxin identification via clinical samples, and the theft, loss, or release of select agents or toxins is properly collected and documented. Appropriate forms must be filled out for each of the instances referenced. Oklahoma State University’s Office of University Research Compliance (URC), on behalf of the Responsible Official, will provide assistance and guidance regarding these procedures. In addition, URC personnel will coordinate communication with federal agencies. If you have questions or concerns regarding any of these procedures, please contact the Biological Safety Officer at 405-744-3203.


When an OSU investigator wants to transfer a select agent or toxin from his/her laboratory or inventory to another OSU investigator, the following procedure must be followed: