Biosafety Office
Required Biosafety Training
Principal investigators (PI) who work with biohazardous materials which fall within Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) purview must train his or her laboratory personnel on the topics listed below.
- Biosafety procedures and practices
- Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
- Potential hazards, precautions to prevent exposures, and exposure evaluation procedures
- Opening of packages containing biohazards
- How to contain, decontaminate, and clean spills of biohazardous material
Depending on the research being conducted, PIs may also be required to provide personnel with task specific training (e.g., animal husbandry, handling of toxins, etc.). Additional training will also be required for individuals conducting research with select agents and/or toxins.
Initial training should be conducted before an individual handles biohazardous materials and PIs must provide refresher training to all laboratory personnel on an annual basis.
Optional CITI Training on Biosafety and Biosecurity
The OSU Office of University Research Compliance provides an optional web-based training course on biosafety & biosecurity through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), which is hosted by the University of Miami.
Other Training
The Biosafety Office offers many different types of biosafety training that can count toward the University’s quarterly safety training requirement. We can provide a broad overview biosafety training or design a training session for your specific needs. Contact the Biosafety Officer at 405-744-3203 to schedule training for your department, class, or lab group.