Research Compliance Training
University Research Compliance (URC) facilitates training for the research community in order to promote compliance. All investigators and researcher personnel must complete mandatory training prior to beginning research at Oklahoma State University.
Animal Care and Use
Point-of-Contact: IACUC Manager | IACUC Training |
Animal welfare regulations and Public Health Service policy require institutions to ensure that people caring for or iacuc imageusing animals are qualified to do so. Oklahoma State University (OSU) is charged with providing training opportunities to meet these regulations. Consequently, all personnel (e.g., principal investigators/instructors (PIs), research faculty/staff, graduate students, laboratory technicians, students, etc.) involved in animal care and/or use of live vertebrate animals in research, teaching, or testing at OSU must complete prescribed mandatory training prior to protocol approval and prior to working with animals. OSU offers an initial orientation training session and an online web-based training course provided through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website.
Animal Resources
Point-of-Contact: Animal Resources Office | Animal Resources Training |
One of Animal Resources’ (AR’s) missions is to provide training on demand. There is no charge for obtaining micetraining through AR. Training is available on any topic including sample collection, anesthesia, analgesia, restraint and handling, aseptic surgical techniques, dosing and compound administration, euthanasia techniques, study protocol planning, post-operative care, surgical procedures, humane endpoints, orientation and tours of AR facilities, etc. If AR does not have the expertise needed to provide training for a particular research technique, AR will assist investigators in finding appropriate training.
Biological Safety
Point-of-Contact: Biosafety Officer | Biosafety Training |
Principal investigators (PI) who work with biohazardous materials which fall within Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) purview must train his or her laboratory personnel on the topics listed below.
Biosafety procedures and practices
Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Potential hazards, precautions to prevent exposures, and exposure evaluation procedures
Opening of packages containing biohazards
How to contain, decontaminate, and clean spills of biohazardous material
Depending on the research being conducted, PIs may also be required to provide personnel with task specific training (e.g., animal husbandry, handling of toxins, etc.). Additional training will also be required for individuals conducting research with select agents and/or toxins.
Initial training should be conducted before an individual handles biohazardous materials and PIs must provide refresher training to all laboratory personnel on an annual basis.
Environmental Health & Safety
Point-of-Contact: EHS Safety Training Personnel | Environmental Health & Safety Training |
Our education and training program is a valuable tool in developing awareness of safety, health ehs trainingresponsibilities and accident prevention. Each worker must be trained to safely perform their tasks, prior to performing them. Supervisors should determine which safety training is required for their workers, and ensure that their employees receive the training they need.
The Laboratory Safety Program supports departmental efforts to protect employees and students from injury, and to meet regulatory and industry standards. We work closely with academic, research, and campus support organizations to ensure the safest workplace possible. Laboratory related support includes laboratory safety equipment testing, fume hood testing, laboratory surveys, chemical inventory services, safety reviews, incident investigations, spill responses, and assistance with implementing laboratory safety regulations and standards.
Export Controls
Point-of-Contact: University Research Services Director | Export Control |
Export Control refers to a collective body of laws and regulations that govern the transfer of information, export control trainingcommodities, technology, and software considered to be strategically important to the U.S. in the interest of national security, economic and/or foreign policy concerns. They regulate the shipment or transfer, by whatever means, of controlled items, software, technology, or services out of U.S. or the release to foreign nationals in the U.S.
These laws and regulations have been in existence for many years. Compliance with export controls by institutions of higher education has come under greater scrutiny in recent years. Non-compliance can result in severe monetary and criminal penalties against an individual and the university, as well as possible loss of research contracts and governmental funding.
Oklahoma State University (OSU) is committed to complying with all export control laws and regulations. The resources on the export controls website are provided to help you understand export controls and how they apply to you and the university community.
Financial Conflict of Interest
Point-of-Contact: Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Research | Conflict of Interest Training |
By following the current rules, laws, policies, and procedures set forth by Federal agencies, the State of Oklahoma, A&M Board of Regents, and the University, Oklahoma State University employees shall exercise good faith in their dealings with and on behalf of the University in all transactions touching upon their duties to the University and its interests. The employee will not use his/her position, or knowledge gained from it, in such a way that a conflict of interest might arise between the interest of the University, Sponsoring Agencies, and that of the individual. Specific training modules pertaining to Financial Conflict of Interest can be found on the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website.
Human Subjects Research
Point-of-Contact: IRB Manager | IRB Training |
All investigators who plan to conduct studies involving human subjects must complete the required human subjects training modules via the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website. Each OSU trainee will be required to complete the basic course in human research protection and a refresher course three years later.
Who Must Train
Training FAQ's
Getting Started with CITI Training (instructions)
Laser Safety
Point-of-Contact: Radiation Safety Officer | Laser Safety Training |
Laser Safety Training is required of all individuals who plan to work with Class 3B or Class 4 lasers. We offer two laser trainingtraining courses, one on general laser safety and another specifically designed for individuals who work with medical or surgical lasers. Laser safety training is completed via the URC Assistant. Training requirements are as follows:
For individuals who use Class 3B or Class 4 lasers for research purposes:
The course titled Laser Safety Training Course, which provides a broad, general overview of laser safety, is required for OSU personnel (i.e., faculty staff, or student) who plan to use a Class 3B or Class 4 laser for purposes other than surgery or some other medical procedure.
For individuals who use Class 3B or Class 4 lasers in surgical or other medical specialties:
The course titled Medical Laser Safety Training Course is required for OSU personnel
(i.e., faculty staff, or student) who plan to use a Class 3B or Class 4 laser during
surgery or some other medical specialty.
Radiation Safety
Point-of-Contact: Radiation Safety Officer | Radiation Safety Training |
Training requirements for working with or having access to Radioactive Materials (RAM) or x-ray producing radiation safety trainingequipment on the OSU campus are determined by federal, state, and license requirements. As a RAM and/or x-ray worker, you will have to take both general training provided by the Radiation Safety Office (RSO) and specific training (Lab Specific Training, or LST, for RAM users, and Machine Specific Training, or MST, for x-ray users) provided by your Principal Investigator (PI). Radiation safety training is completed via the URC Assistant.
Responsible Conduct of Research
Point-of-Contact: Responsible Conduct of Research | Responsible Conduct of Research Training |
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is an essential component of research training to ensure research integrity. RCR training is completed via the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website.
For graduate students, the Plan of Study form includes a section to verify compliance with the university requirement for training in RCR. Advanced degree students will, in many cases, be required to complete additional, more discipline-specific, RCR training. The scope and extent of the additional required RCR training are at the discretion of the department.
Postdoctoral fellows/associates will, in many cases, be required to complete additional, more discipline-specific, RCR training. The scope and extent of the additional required RCD training are at the discretion of the department.