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Vice President for Research

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Who Must Train

OSU Principal Investigators and Advisors

Any OSU faculty member, staff member or student who is listed as a principal investigator or co-investigator in a research project that involves human subjects, or who is acting as advisor to a student conducting such research, must complete the required CITI training modules prior to submission of a new protocol.

PIs are responsible for ensuring adequate training of their personnel who are not specifically listed on the protocol.


OSU IRB Members/Alternates and IRB Staff

IRB members, alternate members and IRB staff are required to complete the required CITI training modules within three months of their appointment to the IRB.


OSU Institutional Officials

The Vice President for Research and Assistant Vice President for Research Compliance are required to complete the CITI training modules required for OSU institutional officials.


Department Heads and Associate Deans for Research of departments and colleges active in human subject research are strongly encouraged to complete the CITI training modules required for OSU institutional officials so that they are familiar with the basic ethical requirements for protection of human subjects in research.

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