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Becoming an Authorized User

To become an authorized user of Class 3B and/or Class 4 lasers, please follow the steps below.

Step 1   Complete the laser training request form and send it to the Radiation Safety Officer via the Office of University Research Compliance (223 Scott Hall).
Step 2   Take the required training.
Step 3   Contact the Radiation Safety Officer, Brandi Simmons, at 405-744-7890 or to determine what information you will need to submit regarding the laser you plan to use.
Step 4   Inspection of laser configuration and labeling of facilities by the Radiation Safety Officer.
Step 5   If applicable, fill out and submit a laser training request form for each person in your laboratory who will work with Class 3B and/or Class 4 lasers. 
Step 6   Upon approval of the Radiation Safety Officer and/or the Laser Safety Committee, you may begin using Class 3B and/or Class 4 lasers. 

Step 1 : Training Request Form

You must first fill out the training request form so that your information can be entered into the University’s laser training and safety database, and then return it to the Laser Safety Office. Electronic submissions (i.e. fill out and e-mail to of the forms are acceptable. Within two business days of receipt of the form you will receive an e-mail message with detailed instructions for logging into the database and completing the required training.


Please do not forward the training request form to us until such time as you will be able to complete the required training, as you will be expected to complete all required training within one month of being granted access to the training site.

Step 2 : Taking Required Training

Once you receive your instructions for logging into the training site, you will have approximately one month to take the required training course online. Medical laser users are required to take the Medical Laser Online Course. All other laser users are required to take the Laser Safety Basic Training Course. The final step in the training process is to take the quiz that is also available online.


The training need only be completed once. Following successful completion of your training and quiz, you will receive a certificate of training completion from the Laser Safety Office.


Please retain a copy of this certificate, as well as those for your laser users, with other laser safety records in your laboratory.

Step 3 : Contact Laser Safety Officer

The Radiation Safety Officer, Brandi Simmons, (405-744-7890 or to determine what information you will need to submit regarding the laser you plan to use.


This information generally consists of a short technical description of the lasers you intend to use and how you intend to use them in the laboratory environment. Depending on the power of the involved lasers, and the hazards involved in your research, your request for use may need to go before the University’s Laser Safety Committee for approval. The Laser Safety Officer can assist you with providing this information in the proper format for University approval.

Step 4 : Inspection and Labeling of Facilities
The Laser Safety Officer or designated laser safety personnel will visit your lab to assess the laser system configuration, the incorporation of laser safety requirements, and to place required postings (i.e., laser hazard signs).
Step 5 : Training other laser users in your lab
As an principal investigator, you are responsible for ensuring that all students and staff who will work with the laser(s) in your lab(s) are properly trained on the specific use and hazards of your equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, making sure that they satisfactorily complete the required online training course. Each person who intends to use lasers in your lab must also fill out a laser safety training form, have it signed by you, take the required online training, and complete the training you have specified for using your lasers prior to their first use.
Step 6 : Approval

Once approval is granted by the Radiation Safety Officer and/or the Laser Safety Committee, you may begin your work with Class 3B and/or Class 4 lasers.