Poster Session A:
8:00 - 9:00 am
Animal and Food Sciences; Integrative Biology; Natural Resource Ecology and Management; Physiological Sciences; and Veterinary Pathobiology (50 posters)
Note: Presentations are grouped by the student’s area of research (based on the faculty mentor’s academic department), not the student’s academic major.
A-01 Lauren Chaney
Research Presentation Title: Bacterial Small Noncoding RNAs affecting Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Darren Hagen, Animal and Food Sciences
A-02 Isabelle Davison
Research Collaborators: Alexis Main
Research Presentation Title: Production genotype and seasonal impacts on beef steer calves’ immune phenotype
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Janeen Salek-Johnson, Animal and Food Sciences
A-03 Kinley De Leon
Research Collaborators: Melanie Whitmore, Glenn Zhang
Research Presentation Title: Synergistic Induction of Chicken Host Defense Peptide Synthesis by Imatinib and Butyrate
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Glenn Zhang, Animal and Food Sciences
A-04 Faith Howe
Research Collaborators: Ping Xiao, Anna Goldkamp
Research Presentation Title: The Impact of Long Non-coding RNA on Cell Cycle Regulation
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Darren Hagen, Animal and Food Sciences
A-05 Hays McDonald
Research Collaborators: C. Johnson, T. Vining, M. Major, G. Lamberti, M. Lopes, N. Bonmann, J. Moraes, and P. Beck
Research Presentation Title: Effects of sire selection on puberty and reproduction of offspring selected as replacement heifers
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Paul Beck, Animal and Food Sciences
A-06 Olivia Musslewhite
Research Collaborators: Cassidy Reddout
Research Presentation Title: Effect of Stress on Immune Response to a Parasitic Infection During Gestation
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Janeen Johnson, Animal and Food Sciences
A-07 Morgan Patterson
Research Collaborators: Lily Hernandez, Alexis Main
Research Presentation Title: The impact of prenatal stress on microbiome signature on the immune and welfare status of progeny
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Janeen Salak-Johnson, Animal and Food Sciences
A-08 Coey Serapin
Research Collaborators: Alexis Main, Cassidy Reddout-Beam, Janeen Salak-Johnson
Research Presentation Title: Effects of Heat Stress on Primiparous Cow and Calf Immune Measures
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Janeen Salak-Johnson, Animal and Food Sciences
A-09 Sydney Speer, Liliana Porfirio
Research Collaborators: Matthew Gorton, Adel Pezeshki
Research Presentation Title: The Effect of Dietary Insulinogenic Amino Acid Restriction on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Neonatal Pigs
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Adel Pezeshki, Animal and Food Sciences
A-10 Feven Tesfaselassie
Research Collaborators: Isabel Tobin
Research Presentation Title: Ursolic Acid and Butyrate as Natural Antibiotic Alternatives
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Glenn Chang, Animal and Food Sciences
A-11 Samuel Van Rhijn
Research Collaborators: Gabriela Murphy, Anna Goldkamp, Maria Lopes, Nicolle Bonmann, Darren Hagen, Joao G. N. Moraes
Research Presentation Title: Transcriptional Regulation of Bovine Conceptus Elongation
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Joao G. N. Moraes, Animal and Food Sciences
A-12 Grace Baldwin
Research Collaborators: Victoria Rhodes
Research Presentation Title: Role of Medium Composition on Manganese Cytotoxicity in Rainbow Trout Gill Cells
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Matteo Minghetti, Integrative Biology
A-13 Aster Beaton
Research Collaborators: Sawyer Shafer
Research Presentation Title: Nutrient Life Cycles in Fruit Flies: Insight for Inquiry in the Secondary Science Classroom
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Shawn Wilder, Integrative Biology
A-14 Lana Daniels
Research Collaborators: Isaac McEvoy
Research Presentation Title: Effects of Weapon Deterioration on Fighting Outcomes in Pachylis neocalifornicus
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Zachary Emberts, Integrative Biology
A-15 Hariette Diarra
Research Collaborators: Bo Chang, Jamaal Jacobs
Research Presentation Title: Impact of Habitat fragmentation on Connectivity using low and high Dispersers
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Jamaal Jacobs, Integrative Biology
A-16 Connor Downs
Research Collaborators: Calvin Schaefer, Erin Westeen
Research Presentation Title: Influence of Feeding Ecology on the Skull Morphology of Venomous Snakes
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Guin Wogan, Integrative Biology
A-17 Olivia Emerson, Grant Emerson
Research Collaborators: Andrea Gensky
Research Presentation Title: Studying the Auditory Impacts of Fragile X Syndrome on Mice
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Elizabeth McCullagh, Integrative Biology
A-18 Avery Evans, Josh Mckinney, Kami Hill
Research Collaborators: Margaret Emily New, Joseph Luberson, Elizabeth McCullagh
Research Presentation Title: Arginine vasopressin (AVP), and oxytocin (OXT) expression on the brain sound localization circuit of small mammals with different social behavior strategies.
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Elizabeth McCullagh, Integrative Biology
A-19 Jorja Ford
Research Collaborators: Elizabeth McCullagh, Jesse Hurd
Research Presentation Title: Pinto bean and resistant starch supplementation on cognitive function and short and long-term memory
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Elizabeth McCullagh, Integrative Biology
A-20 Erika Graham
Research Collaborators: Guin Wogan
Research Presentation Title: Do Stinkpot Turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) Follow Bergmann’s Rule?
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Guin Wogan, Integrative Biology
A-21 Brianna Hahn
Research Collaborators: Olivia Aguiar
Research Presentation Title: Physa snails: The effects of chemical herbicides
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Barney Luttbeg, Integrative Biology
A-22 Raegan Hula
Research Collaborators: Michael Reichert, Ivan De La Hera
Research Presentation Title: How Phenotypic Characteristics and Environmental Factors Affect Feather Quality in Great Tits
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Michael Reichert, Integrative Biology
A-23 Noah Knotts
Research Collaborators: Elisa Casadei
Research Presentation Title: Hooked on Plastic: Exploring the Effects of Microplastics in Trout
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Elisa Casadei, Integrative Biology
A-24 Raygan Kyeremateng
Research Presentation Title: Anthropogenic sound impact on Animal Behavior
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Michael Reichert, Integrative Biology
A-25 Elena Lawson
Research Collaborators: Jen Grindstaff, Angela Goff Riley
Research Presentation Title: How do individual limits of physiological flexibility determine plasticity of behavior in Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)?
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Jen Grindstaff, Integrative Biology
A-26 Elena Liebl, Mason Miller
Research Collaborators: Michael Reichert
Research Presentation Title: Exploring the Effects of Intensity of Aggression on Exploration in Crickets
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Michael Reichert, Integrative Biology
A-27 Matt Lombardo
Research Collaborators: Jamaal Jacobs
Research Presentation Title: Effects of Dispersal Strategies in Fragmented Habitats using C. elegans
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Bo Chang, Integrative Biology
A-28 Logan Smith
Research Collaborators: Zachary Emberts, Lauren Cirino, Isaac McEvoy
Research Presentation Title: The leaf-footed cactus bug Narnia femorta is not a cactus specialist
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Zachary Emberts, Integrative Biology
A-29 Kayleen Sugianto
Research Collaborators: Michael Reichert, Kaleb Banks
Research Presentation Title: Identifying Individual Crawfish Frogs Using Digital Photography
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Michael Reichert, Integrative Biology
A-30 Gracie Toben
Research Collaborators: Jesse Hurd, Gracie Toben, S. Nguyen, C. Sergott, C. Miller, D. Kelley, E. McCullagh
Research Presentation Title: Effects of the social and olfactory environment on testicular function and circulating androgens in male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster)
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Elizabeth McCullagh, Integrative Biology
A-31 Cory Volosevich
Research Collaborators: Neil Balchan
Research Presentation Title: Toxin Composition and Geographic Venom Variation in Copperheads
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Neil Balchan, Integrative Biology
A-32 Arwa Ali
Research Collaborators: Ashley Baragary
Research Presentation Title: The relationship of different bacterial strain food source qualities on Caenorhabditis elegans.
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Bo Chang, Integrative Biology
A-33 Briana Crick, Mariela Kundak, Kenna Tatsch
Research Collaborators: Katie Worden
Research Presentation Title: Cattle, Collars, and the Current Climate
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Courtney Duchardt, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-34 Abby Cunningham
Research Collaborators: Sydny Hager, Ryan DeSantis
Research Presentation Title: Factors Controlling Fire Behavior in Cross Timbers Forests
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Ryan DeSantis, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-35 Sereen Elkhalid
Research Collaborators: MaKayla Friend, Gail Wilson, Alexius Wallace
Research Presentation Title: A Healthful Harvest: The Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth of Culturally Important Native American Plants
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Gail Wilson, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-36 Aryanna North, Addison Galante
Research Collaborators: Holly Todaro, Courtney Duchardt, Scott Loss
Research Presentation Title: Investigating the Influence of Precipitation on Avian Nesting Success: A Vote-Counting Meta-analysis
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Courtney Duchardt, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-37 Julia Peace, Kayla Ward
Research Collaborators: Gail Wilson, Alexius Wallace
Research Presentation Title: Assessing Major Microbial Functional Groups: Does Aboveground Plant Diversity in Grasslands Reflect Belowground Microbial Diversity?
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Gail Wilson, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-38 Carson Raper
Research Collaborators: Omkar Joshi, Chris Zou, Rodney Will
Research Presentation Title: Perceived risks of eastern redcedar encroachment among rural and non-rural residents in Oklahoma
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Omkar Joshi, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-39 Andrew Shepard
Research Collaborators: Elizabeth Haymaker, Gail Wilson, Alexius Wallace
Research Presentation Title: The role of grassland plant belowground traits in resilience to drought
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Gail Wilson, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-40 John Ternes
Research Collaborators: Riley Lawson, Scott Loss, Timothy O'Connell
Research Presentation Title: Systematic Review and Synthesis of the Global Literature on Bird-Window Collisions
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Scott Loss, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-41 Kaitlyn Tucker
Research Collaborators: Lindsey Buehler
Research Presentation Title: Causes of Decline and Translocation Efficacy for Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Courtney Duchardt, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-42 Austin Vaughn
Research Collaborators: Madeline Eori, Alexander Harman, Courtney Duchardt
Research Presentation Title: Seasonal Variation in Herptile Use of Oklahoma's OCark Glades
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Courtney Duchardt, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-43 Morgan Buie
Research Collaborators: Bailey Kleeberg, Colter Chitwood, Sue Fairbanks
Research Presentation Title: Estimating Species Richness in an Ephemeral System
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Robert C. Lonsinger, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-44 MaKayla Friend
Research Collaborators: Sereen Elkhalid, Alexius Wallace, Elizabeth Haymaker, Gail Wilson
Research Presentation Title: Culturally Significant Native American Plants Cultivated Under Sustainable Commercial Greenhouse Production: A Case Study
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Gail Wilson, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-45 Katherine Miller
Research Collaborators: Madeline Eori, Alexander Harman, Courtney Duchardt
Research Presentation Title: Herptile Utilization of Man-made Coverboards versus Natural Refugia
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Courtney Duchardt, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-46 Coe Protzman
Research Collaborators: Holly Todaro
Research Presentation Title: Shrike a pose! Using trail cameras to estimate Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) occupancy
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Courtney Duchardt, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-47 Lauren Sellers
Research Collaborators: Robert Lonsinger, M. Chitwood, Matthew Turnley
Research Presentation Title: Evidence of serological differences between male and female pronghorn in a population of conservation concern
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Robert Lonsinger; M. Chitwood, Natural Resource Ecology and Management
A-48 Trinity McMahon
Research Collaborators: Emily Nunan, Landon Butler
Research Presentation Title: Augmented muscle mass blunts aging-induced cerebrovascular oxidant stress and inflammation
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Joshua Butcher, Physiological Sciences
A-49 Emma Lathem
Research Collaborators: Crystal Villalva
Research Presentation Title: Effect of Interferons on Klebsiella pneumoniae Survival in Macrophages
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Sunil More, Veterinary Pathobiology
A-50 Gavin Sears
Research Collaborators: Cody Whitley, Paige Johnson
Research Presentation Title: Epigenetic Modification of H3K9 Modulates the Innate Antiviral IFN Response
Your Faculty Research Mentor: Rudra Channappanavar, Veterinary Pathobiology