Poster Session F:
2:45 - 3:45 pm
Agricultural Education, Communication, and Leadership; Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation; Teaching, Learning, and Educational Sciences; Art, Graphic Design and Art History; English; History; Philosophy; Accounting; Agricultural Economics; Geography; Hospitality and Tourism Management; Management Science and Information Systems; Media and Strategic Communications; and Political Science (37 posters)
Note: Presentations are grouped by the student’s area of research (based on the faculty mentor’s academic department), not the student’s academic major.
F-01 Hunter Carson
Research Collaborators: Lauren Lewis Cline, Newlin Humphrey
Research Presentation Title: Perceived Leadership Competency Development through a Short-Term Study Abroad Program in Costa Rica
Faculty Research Mentor: Bradley M. Coleman, Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership
F-02 Elizabeth Kopsky
Research Presentation Title: Personal Development Needs of School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers Based on Personal and Professional Characteristics
Faculty Research Mentor: Christopher Eck, Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership
F-03 Mattie Mckee
Research Presentation Title: Benefits of Introducing Agricultural Education Programs in Historical Black Public Schools
Faculty Research Mentor: Courtney Brown, Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership
F-04 Molly Moody
Research Collaborators: Dwayne Cartmell
Research Presentation Title: College Students Food Choices and Social Environment Surrounding Food Consumption: A Photovoice Project
Faculty Research Mentor: Dwayne Cartmell, Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership
F-05 Tara Bartley
Research Collaborators: Olivia Anderson, Sloane Montgomery, Allen Redinger, Shawn Allen, Nicholas Spokely, Grace White, Jillian Joyce, Bree Baker
Research Presentation Title: The Prevalence of Low Energy Availability in Collegiate Softball Athletes
Faculty Research Mentor: Bree Baker, Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation
F-06 Ella David
Research Collaborators: Allen Redinger, Shawn Allen, Sloane Montgomery, Nicholas Spokely, Michael Trevino, and Bree Baker
Research Presentation Title: Seasonal Achilles Tendon Adaptations in Division I Cross-country and Track Athletes.
Faculty Research Mentor: Bree Baker, Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation
F-07 Colin Green
Research Collaborators: Allen Redinger, Shawn Allen, Sloane Montgomery, Nicholas Spokely, Olivia Anderson, Michael Trevino, Bree Baker
Research Presentation Title: Cross-country Season Musculoskeletal and Force Adaptations in Division I Cross-country Athletes.
Faculty Research Mentor: Bree Baker, Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation
F-08 Joe Hengemuhle
Research Collaborators: Olivia Anderson, Sloane Montgomery, Allen Redinger, Shawn Allen, Nicholas Spokely
Research Presentation Title: Skeletal Adaptations by Position of Play
Faculty Research Mentor: Bree Baker, Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation
F-09 Regan Smith
Research Collaborators: Olivia Anderson, Allen Redinger, Emery Mintz, Caleb Voskuil, Jason Mogonye, Joshua Carr
Research Presentation Title: Musculoskeletal Tissue Asymmetries Over Time Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Faculty Research Mentor: Bree Baker, Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation
F-10 Kinsleigh Thomas
Research Collaborators: Jason Miller
Research Presentation Title: Hip Range of Motion as a Predictor of Hip Pain in Former Female Athletes
Faculty Research Mentor: Jason Miller, Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation
F-11 Elsa Berry
Research Presentation Title: Passing to Play: Examining Student-athlete Academic Motivation
Faculty Research Mentor: Sarah J. Donovan, Teaching, Learning, and Educational Sciences
F-12 Elise Braggs
Research Presentation Title: How The Open-Access Model Impacts Viewer Relationship and Interaction: A Close Investigation of Different Visions: New Perspectives on Medieval Art
Faculty Research Mentor: Jennifer Borland, Art, Graphic Design, and Art History
F-13 Jillian Eckert
Research Presentation Title: TikTok Poetry: The Death of Art or a New Frontier?
Faculty Research Mentor: Lisa Hollenbach, English
F-14 Lily Harrel
Research Collaborators: Robert Redmon
Research Presentation Title: Engagement and Performance: Evaluating Genre Acquisition in Tech-Mediated Writing Courses
Faculty Research Mentor: Steph Link, English
F-15 Katie Leigh, Jackson Dillingham, Jodi Tarbet
Research Collaborators: Richard Frohock
Research Presentation Title: William Snelgrave’s Account (1734): An Early 18th Century Perspective on Africa, Slavery, and Piracy
Faculty Research Mentor: Richard Frohock, English
F-16 Kori Travis
Research Collaborators: Sara Loss
Research Presentation Title: Gender Performance in Oklahoma English
Faculty Research Mentor: Sara Loss, English
F-17 Amanda Weaver, Sydney Gaddis, Akadienne Hamby, Bethany Merino, Justice Rebman, Lewsi Roek, Brayton Whiteley
Research Presentation Title: Oklahomans Might Can Use Double Modals
Faculty Research Mentor: Sara Loss, English
F-18 Lara Petty
Research Presentation Title: Trailblazing Borders: Exploring the Legal Legacy of Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher as the First Black Woman Admitted to University of Oklahoma Law School
Faculty Research Mentor: Greg Kosc, History
F-19 Charley Johnson
Research Presentation Title: AI Consciousness: Reevaluating through Embodied Cognition
Faculty Research Mentor: Shannon Spaulding, Philosophy
F-20 Caray Brannon
Research Collaborators: Audrey Gramling
Research Presentation Title: Tax Software and Its Usefulness: Are Tax Professional Users Satisfied?
Faculty Research Mentor: Audrey Gramling, Accounting
F-21 Dechen Zhao
Research Presentation Title: Asset Replacement Strategy Analysis in Agriculture During Pandemic
Faculty Research Mentor: Hannah Shear, Agricultural Economics
F-22 Kaetlyn Freideman
Research Presentation Title: Enhancing Sustainable Fisheries Management: Exploring Angler Perspectives and Stream Fishing in Oklahoma Streams.
Faculty Research Mentor: Thapa Bhawna, Agricultural Economics
F-23 Karsen Jones
Research Collaborators: Brian Whitacre
Research Presentation Title: Medical Marijuana Dispensary Impacts on Local Sales Tax Revenue
Faculty Research Mentor: Brian Whitacre, Agricultural Economics
F-24 Anabeth Livingston
Research Presentation Title: U.S. and Japan Trade Agreement Effect on U.S. Beef Exports
Faculty Research Mentor: Aleks Shaefer, Agricultural Economics
F-25 Cody Loganbill
Research Presentation Title: Analyzing Oklahoma Agricultural Conservation Programs and Potential Producer Benefits
Faculty Research Mentor: Amy Hagerman, Agricultural Economics
F-26 Eddy Iyonsi
Research Collaborators: Chou Yuting
Research Presentation Title: DroughtChat: Connecting Online Voices to Real-World Drought
Faculty Research Mentor: Chou Yuting, Geography
F-27 Beatrice Kim
Research Presentation Title: Assessing the Impact of Hospital Closures on Health Disparities in Rural Oklahoma: A GIS-Based Approach
Faculty Research Mentor: Tao Hu, Geography
F-28 Abby Livingston
Research Presentation Title: Oklahoma’s Summer Climate and Irrigated Agriculture
Faculty Research Mentor: Saber Brasher, Geography
F-29 Ava Barger
Research Collaborators: Willie Tao
Research Presentation Title: Ethnic cuisine and community: Hakka restaurants and cultural bonds in Canada
Faculty Research Mentor: Willie Tao, Hospitality and Tourism Management
F-30 Ethan Bunch
Research Presentation Title: The future of lodging services
Faculty Research Mentor: Jinyoung Im, Hospitality and Tourism Management
F-31 Jackson Silvey
Research Presentation Title: Stroke Prediction in Patients with Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis using Electronic Health Records
Faculty Research Mentor: Xiao Luo, Management Science and Information Systems
F-32 Scarlett Dyer
Research Collaborators: Rosemary Avance
Research Presentation Title: Does Optimism for the Future Affect Anxiety in Queer Indigenous College Students?
Faculty Research Mentor: Rosemary Avance, Media and Strategic Communications
F-33 Lindsey Smith
Research Collaborators: Rosemary Avance
Research Presentation Title: Navigating Inclusion: Assessing LGBTQ+ Mental Health Support and Resources at Oklahoma State University in a Politically Conservative Landscape
Faculty Research Mentor: Rosemary Avance, Media and Strategic Communications
F-34 Riley Walker
Research Presentation Title: Social Media: NBA Players Leading the Way in Online Branding
Faculty Research Mentor: Rachel Lim, Media and Strategic Communications
F-35 Maria Lopez
Research Collaborators: Howard Sanborn
Research Presentation Title: An Analysis of Hong Kong's Legislative Council
Faculty Research Mentor: Howard Sanborn, Political Science
F-36 Amy Campbell
Research Collaborators: Holley Hansen
Research Presentation Title: Deploying Feminism at the UN: Do More Gender Equal Missions Better Protect Civilian Populations?
Faculty Research Mentor: Holley Hansen, Political Science
F-37 Madalene Gomez
Research Collaborators: Stephen Nemeth
Research Presentation Title: Democratic Radicalism: How Intragroup Leader Selection Processes Affect Terrorism
Faculty Research Mentor: Stephen Nemeth, Political Science