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Oklahoma State University has a standing tradition of promoting health and safety in laboratories and the community. A safe laboratory environment is the product of individuals who are well trained, technically proficient in safe practices, and share responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of their colleagues, their community, and the environment. Personal responsibility involves the practice of assessing risks prior to conducting activities that involve new protocols or pathogens.


A safe and healthful environment is the product of responsible institutional leadership. National codes of practice foster and promote good institutional leadership in biosafety. We feel these Biosafety Web pages are a helpful reference and guide to the university community, which accepts responsibility for complying with sound biosafety practices, university policies, and governmental regulations.


Adapted from Foreword Global Health Security Laboratory Practices Manual Interim Guidelines


OneAegis for Biosafety

OneAegis for Biosafety | Support


Biosafety Contact

Biosafety Contact Information

Email us: 

Biosafety Office: 405-744-3736


IBC Tools 

Biosafety Definitions

IBC Charter

Responsibilities for Research Conduct

Instructional Teaching


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